A Brief Bit About the Art & Availability

The Process

This studio is about creating Living Art formed by breath that ushers in the ministry of God's Presence. Each applied color is immersed in praise and worship resulting in new color expressions, frequencies and imagery uniquely catering to its viewer. Each piece of art contains God's mysteries. Just as the art cannot be replicated, nor can the message that is individually deposited by God in the heart of its observer.

Availability - Outside the Norm

Personally, I find art speaks to our spirit as to the size it wants to be, how it reflects its image by transference either to plexi or canvas or paper, and, too, if the art speaks in various smaller messages requiring cropping segments of the larger image to create a whole new dimension. With this in mind, it would be cumbersome at best to delineate the availability and pricing on a standardized format.

If you are drawn to a piece, contact me. Let's discuss the medium and size, timing constraints and the cost point that best suits your budget. 

The important, no, vital aspect to this art is that your spirit is left soaring into new dimensions of your journey towards Yeshua (Jesus). Each time I look at the inkings I see fresh, new messages of His unfailing love, revelation of different scriptures, answers to ponderings... I see new aspects of Him, His character, and what He has given to us for this exciting life. I am pulled into ever evolving, glorious and dynamic layers that reveal frequencies of Heaven's sounds and colors - and so much more that can be expressed into mere words. It is to His honor and glory that these images are created by the dew of His breath. 

Can Art Bring Spiritual, Emotional or Physical Healing?

It is inherent by His nature that The Lord offers more than a pretty picture! There are countless testimonies that art can indeed reach into the depths of all levels of healing. It is about seeing with our spirit and allowing the Spirit of the Lord to do what He does best - Love on You! 

It is in this washing of His love over us in visual stimulus created by His Spirit that we find strength, healing and wisdom to our circumstances. In addition it takes on our part the reading of His word and our faith, our belief, our trust in Him that He is for us and that He will personally handle all our cares as we let go and say yes to Him. 

Thank you for allowing me the privilege and honor to share what is created in my times of worship and praise and creating with The Lord. I ask of The Lord to deposit in you what He has so generously and freely given to me. To God be the Glory!